What is BIM?
What is BIM?
BIM (Building Information Modelling) is a set of technologies that BIM was developed for the processing of architecture and construction, which starting design a building until construct by using the software system controlling the overall processing. The construction model is simulated accurately, including digital simulation such as designing, drawing, structural calculating, price assuming, procurement until the working process of the building.
Why use BIM?
BIM can help creating an original structure as a virtual pre-building; other parts of a project can easily understand and approve the plan. Moreover, it can warrantee the accuracy and complement of design, including evaluating options that enclose a part of expenses and other factors.

How BIM processed?
BIM is working through software designed to support the BIM system, especially the simulated model, which has the parametric object-based inside the object in the system: it collects various data in 2D and 3D format. The processing of information turns to the floor plan, the shape, the cut, the scenery, including the data transcription of construction. And when the system has changed, it will automatically adjust.
BIM is no longer far away because it does not only help clearly design and save time but also intensify effective working promptly and correctly. Therefore, you have the availability to compete increasingly.
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